Ringtons Recipes: Apricot and Ginger Cheesecake Pots

Ringtons Recipes: Apricot and Ginger Cheesecake Pots

This recipe was shared with us by our customer, Grace, who started experimenting using our biscuits in desserts. After a few tweaks to an existing recipe, Grace shared a recipe with us for a cheesecake with a ginger snap base. 

We've added a few more twists to the recipe and these no-bake cheesecake pots are super creamy with a delicious crunchy base. 

Swap the apricots for tinned peaches, or weave through some dollops of lemon curd or jam for extra flavour.



Makes 4 medium size ramekin pots, or a 10inch cake tin lined with parchment.

100g Ringtons ginger snaps

50g Melted unsalted butter

200ml Double cream

100g Cream cheese

1/4tsp Vanilla extract

30g Icing Sugar

3/4 tsp Lemon juice 

1 Tin apricot halves, drained & roughly chopped (keeping some for decoration)



1. Add the ginger snaps to a freezer bag and break them up with a rolling pin in to very fine crumbs. 

2. Stir the melted butter in to the biscuit crumbs.

3. Transfer the biscuit mixture to your ramekins. Press down firmly with a spatula or spoon for a compact, even layer, then transfer to the fridge to set.

4. In a bowl, whisk the double cream, cream cheese, vanilla, icing sugar and lemon juice until it forms soft peaks.

5. Fold in the chopped apricots then spread the mixture over the chilled biscuit base. 

6. Decorate the tops with more apricot halves, and transfer to the fridge to set. 

7. Just before serving, crumble over some extra crushed ginger snaps for added crunch.

You can shop our current biscuit selection here

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