Ringtons - A Customer Story

Ringtons - A Customer Story


You may have seen these images on our website over the past few months, but did you know that this lovely lady is a real Ringtons customer? 

Each customer has a unique story to tell, but the one thing they have in common, their love of Ringtons.

This is one customers story, say hello to Winn.

How long have you been a Ringtons customer? 

All my married life, since 1978!

What’s your earliest memories of Ringtons? 

Going to my Nana's house in Newcastle as a small child. I remember her Ringtons tea caddy and blue and white tea teapot. We were always given packs of tea to take back to London.

What does Ringtons mean to you? 

Ringtons has been in our family as long as I can remember, as a child, a married woman, and passing it on to our son.

I love being part of our local round with regular visits from our cheery tea man and his van. I look forward to getting my regular order and seeing all the exciting offers at my door. It's so convenient with guaranteed quality.

What’s your favourite tea moment? 

Relaxing after a long day at work and having a supersized mug of tea in front of the TV.

How would you explain the Ringtons Round?

I tell everyone how amazing Ringtons is. I explain that it's a local firm that's stood the test of time. You get a visit from your local tea man with a selection of quality tea and treats. You can order as much or as little as you like at each visit, plus it's great value too.

Check when we're next in your area and sign up for your local Ringtons round. 

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