Connecting Communities One Cuppa at a Time

Connecting Communities One Cuppa at a Time


Ringtons support Re-engage charity to reduce loneliness amongst older people by brining generations together in friendship and shared experiences.

As a family business in its 5th generation, Ringtons recognises the importance of bringing generations of people together – to share a moment, learn from each other and feel cared for. Times are tricky for many in the community, feeling the squeeze of the cost-of-living crisis, and with the cooler months upon us, Ringtons is working to connect communities one cuppa at a time, to remind us we’re not alone.

Older generations, in particular, feel the sting of loneliness – with 3.9m older people in the UK saying their TV is their main form of company. Astonishingly, over 1 million people can go for a month without talking to a friend, family or neighbour. As well as this, over half of all people aged 75 and over live alone, with nearly a fifth of elderly Brits seeing a friend, family member or neighbour less than once a week.

Ringtons has been part of many communities, some of them for over 116 years. Working a bi-weekly or monthly service operating Monday-Friday, offering a friendly face and the opportunity to seek joy and independence by selecting tea and treats to purchase from the comfort of the doorstep. It’s an increasingly important service as people seek to shop locally and find genuine connections with where they live.

This winter, Ringtons is donating over 20,000 cups of tea, highlighting the benefits of the service and encouraging people to connect over a cuppa by volunteering with Re-engage. 

Re-engage is a UK-wide charity which supports people aged 75 and older by offering services that help reduce loneliness and social isolation. Their network of volunteers run tea parties, activity groups and make regular phone calls to help create better communities and enrich the lives of older people.

Director of fundraising and communications at Re-engage, Kitty Blackwell, said: “There are many older people living alone, many of them will rarely enjoy the company of friends or family. Volunteering for Re-engage can help end this miserable isolation by encouraging those aged 75 and over to join our tea parties, which are held across various locations.

Our volunteers get great satisfaction from helping older people and we believe this collaboration with Ringtons will encourage many more to donate just a few hours a month as we continue to fight loneliness.”

Brigitte Keatings, Director at Ringtons and 5th generation family member, said, “We’re proud that our conversations on the doorstep can make a difference in people’s lives. The dedication and loyalty our salespeople show to make their doorstep visits in all weather is astonishing – it’s heart-warming and testament to the relationship they’re able to build up with people in their local area. 

As an extension of this, we’re thrilled to connect our customers with Re-engage – not just to benefit from the much-needed services offered but also to volunteer. By coming together this winter, we’re offering the chance to connect with other people the community at a Re-engage tea party or pop the kettle on and have a call and catch up with someone who needs it. As insignificant as a cup of tea can seem, we all know it’s warmth can make a world of difference.”

To connect with your community over a cuppa, click this link for more information on the Ringtons doorstep service, as well as ways to get involved with Re-engage.


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